Anh Tran

I am a third year PhD student working with Ben Bakker. My broad interest is Algebraic Geometry. More specifically, I'm thinking about how Hodge/twistor structures interact with deformation theory of local systems and flat connections.
Here is my CV.

This semester I'm organizing a reading group on Kobayashi's Differential Geometry of Complex Vector Bundles. I'm also a co-organizer for the Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar for this year 24-25.
Last semester I organized a reading group on moduli of K3 surfaces.


Office: SEO 733, 851 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL 60607
Email: atran58 (at) uic (dot) edu


These informal notes were made for talks, as I started learning the topics, so any originality lies in errors!


Current teaching: This spring 2025, I'm a TA for MATH 125 - Linear Algebra for Business. My office hour is Tuesday and Thursday 3-4pm at the MSLC.

Past teaching: I also do some olympiad training, mostly during the breaks. I had a couple of students who went to the IMO, and dozens with national medals.